TeamBoard Lango Android OPS

TeamBoard Lango Android OPS

Extend your user experience with the new TeamBoard OS Android solution.

Product code: TeamBoard-Android OPS
Android 13.0 system
16G Storage
Support 3x USB
Google EDLA Certified
Available sizes:

TeamBoard Lango Android OPS


Google EDLA Certified
Quad-core ARM Cortex-A78
Android 13.0 system
Google Play Store Access
HDMI 1080P@120Hz
Support 3x USB
Certified apps
Support eDP port display (by OPS 80pin)
Internal WIFI
Support PCI-E 3G/4G


The TeamBoard Lango Android OPS module plugs directly into your screen for seamless access to a fully licensed Google Play Store, EDLA approved.

Access thousands of certified apps to fully explore the power of an Android platform designed to work with your TeamBoard from the push of a button.

Whether it is video conferencing, whiteboarding, work flow applications or any of the thousands of applications downloadable from the Google Play Store, your TeamBoard is now powered up to deliver the best possible Android experience.

Product Specification sheets